Sunday, October 12, 2008

You've Convinced Us!!!

I never thought we'd make our own blog. However, after much contemplating, TAD and I (coolgirl; umm, your "family member" does not want me to use our names and broadcast them across the WWW for fear that our identities will be stolen)(Not true, I just don't want our names out there....TAD) have decided to create one. We LOVE reading your blogs, and we hope you'll find as much enjoyment reading as ours as we have in yours!!!! So, with that said, ENJOY.......


Yule {b}Log said...

Welcome! And remember, all bloggers enjoy comments! :)

SuperDave said...

Good to have you! I can't wait to hear your escapades. I love your address. You might consider giving the option to have anonymous comments. Some people don't have identities.

Anonymous said...

I love reading blogs of people I know. Blog away, TAD and CoolGirl!