Monday, October 13, 2008

Little Man

So this is Tad and I am a blogger, not really, Coolgirl will do most of the blogging in this house. BUT.....since today is a special day I thought I would throw in my two cents...which is what my 401K has in it... :)

So, this is my nephew Mason (ok he is really my second cousin) he is the one of only two boys (his brother Timmy is the other) amoungst 9 girl's in the childhood family. Although I don't see him as much as I want, I would like to believe that one day I will teach him how to throw a curve ball.....Today he is 8, but sometimes I see him as 16........Happy Birthday Maso and I can't wait to see you this weekend!!!!!!

Love You...Uncle Travis

Portland Beavers Baseball Game!

One year ago at "Smash"!!


Anonymous said...

Awwww....How sweet was that post?
Thanks Trav.

Love you and can't wait to see you.


SuperDave said...

You sound like you are in a 12 step program. Hello, my name is TAD and I'm a blogger. "Hi TAD". Cool pix, that was a great bball day. See ya soon.

Anonymous said...

What a great cousin-uncle you are!

Yule {b}Log said...

Okay. Now I really feel that all to fimular pull to go to this years smash. Blasted, stupid money.