Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Lesson Learned

For all of those who told me a bunny would be a horrible idea (Trav & AK), you were right!!! Honestly, the poop, the cleaning, the lack of affection they have towards humans--I can't take it. So, I decided to look for a new home for them and I got a nibble (no pun intended). Come to find out, Josh's (my sisters BF) dad used to have bunnies and would love to welcome two of them into his home!!! So, this week will be the last week spent with them; although I'm sure we can visit them at any time.

So, what I've learned you may ask?!?!?

To consult either Travis or AK on any more radical ideas that may pop into my head :)


Yule {b}Log said...

Man! I love bunnies. but now I'm seeing that there will never be one in our future.

Maybe a canary...

Anonymous said...

To be honest, caged animals in general are not that fun.

Sorry it didn't work out.

Kismet said...

Awww nuts. I was hoping it would work out for you ;(

Well, I know you loved them while you had them.

Here kitty, kitty, kitty :)


SuperDave said...

Rats! I'm not suggesting you get one. But you ruined my photo shop running gag. I was going to take the same pic and periodicly add more bunnies, until you were over run. Now what pet are you going to monkey around with. I'm sure if you go to the pet store they will weasel up a fun-er pet. Just snake your way around each cage until you find the right one. Don't be a guinea pig and fall for the old "how about a nice kitten?" That sounds fishey to me.