Thursday, April 23, 2009

We're Still Here

I just wanted to post and let everyone know we're still alive! We've been extremely busy at work and with school. Here's some events that have happened in the past month which have caused us to go into hiding:

1. Busy at work! Sikorsky is not allowing any new hires. As a result, we are consumed w/ working the job of two and in Trav's case, three people. Also, Because of the economic situation Sikorsky has assigned the entire company 3 furlough days which we will not get paid for.

2. My Great Aunt suffered a stroke about 2 weeks ago. She's doing good now but has been in the hospital and rehab. Good news though--she goes home tomorrow! We've been spending the last two weeks painting and cleaning her apartment so she'll be all set once she gets home~we are all super excited!

3. In 5 weeks Travis will have finished the last of his classes for his associates--he just has to CLEP Science and Math (tests given to satisfy a 3 credit course) and then he's done!!! CONGRATULATIONS. He's been working so hard for the past year on this!

4. Now that the warm weather is finally gracing the state of Connecticut, we are finding ourselves on the linx more and more :) Check out this course that we golfed last week—Quarry Ridge. The course is insane, built on the side of a mountain and very tough (and steep), By the 6th hold I was using my club as a cane and a walking stick to get up the deep inclines! But it was a blast playing--actually, any time I play golf with Travis is a blast; it's an awesome bonding experience!


Anonymous said...

Great updates.
You two are busy and cute.
I want to go golfing!

Yule {b}Log said...

It's nice to hear from you. I know how life goes. I haven't update my blog in ages... and I've even had a birth!

I loathe golf. But you have fun.